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What do understand by valuation of goodwill ? Explain methods of goodwill ?

What do you understand by valuation of goodwill and Explain  the method of valuation of  goodwill ?

Introduction of Valuation of  Goodwill :-

Goodwill is primarily an intangible asset that is related to the purchase of one company by another. The concept covers such portion of the purchase price, which is higher than the total of the net fair value of the assets that have been bought. 

The importance of goodwill may be understood by its importance for increasing the business value. It is also instrumental in acquiring more customers. In common parlance, the goodwill of a company is understood to be its proven track record.

There are a whole host of factors that influence the goodwill of a company. Such factors are more likely to include the capital requirement nature of business, market situation, reputation of owners and profit trends, among others.

An example of goodwill :-

When company X purchases company Y for greater than the fair value of company X’s debts and assets, the amount that remains is recorded as goodwill in the balance sheet of company X. 

Now that we have revised our knowledge of goodwill let us move on to the methods of valuation of goodwill.

The valuation of goodwill essentially means that the calculation of these intangible assets is used to determine the remaining value of a company in the event it is purchased. The valuation of business takes into account different parameters such as the reputation of its owners, efficiency in the management, situation in the market, and special advantage if any.

The need for valuation of goodwill arises from a range of different scenarios –

In Partnership  – 

  • In Company In the instance of amalgamation of company or acquiring controlling interest, another would require goodwill valuation.

  • In Sole Proprietorship Purchase considerations of selling off business are some of the situations where valuation of goodwill is needed.

Methods for Valuation of Goodwill :-

A company adopts the valuation method consistent with the market practices of the trade and the position maintained by it. The different methods of valuation of goodwill are mentioned below. 

1.Average Profits Method 

The average profits method primarily takes the following two forms -

  • Simple Average 

  • An example of goodwill  goodwill is evaluated by the calculation of average profit against the number of years purchase. 

    Goodwill = Average profit X Number of years of purchase

    • Weighted Average 

    This method is usually used in the instances of alterations of profit while also focusing on the current year’s profit. It calculates the previous year’s profit for obtaining the valuation. 

    Goodwill = Weighted Average Profit X Number of years of purchase

    2.Super Profits Method

    The super profit method of valuation of goodwill covers the excess of the maintainable profits in the future as opposed to the normal profits. The formula is indicated below. 

    Goodwill = Super profit X Number of years of purchase

    [Super profit = Average / Actual profit – Normal profit 
    Normal profit = (Capital employed X Normal rate of return) / 100]

    The super-profits method can be undertaken by either of the two following methods

    3.Annuity Method of Goodwill

    Annuity method in valuation of goodwill uses the average super profit over a specific number of years. The current value of an annuity is found on the basis of a discounted amount of super profit at the established rate of interest.

    • Purchase Method by Number-of-Years 

    Super profits in a definite number of purchase years are evaluated for establishing goodwill

    4.Capitalisation Method 

    In goodwill capitalisation method, there are two ways in which the calculation can be done. 

    • Average Profits Method 

    The calculation covers deduction of its actual capital that has been employed from the average profits of the capitalised value. It is undertaken based on the normal rate of return.

    Goodwill = Capitalised Average profits – Actual capital employed

    [Capitalised average profits = Average profits X 100 / Normal rate of return 

    Actual capital employed = Total assets (excluding goodwill) – Outside liabilities] 

    Super Profits Method of Valuation of Goodwill

    In these methods, super profits are directly capitalised for the valuation of goodwill. 

    Goodwill = Super profits X 100 / Normal rate of return.


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